I Am Uniquely Eve

Mover * Shaker * Dancer * Actor

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Tween Yoga & The Power of House Music

The tween yoga class was tough this week. The girls are really not very caring or mindful and talk whenever they feel like whether I am talking or not. One does stuff all through class to distract and make the others laugh. I finally had to call them on it and become quite stern.

I actually made them lie down and rest in savasana to start class because they just would not shut up. Two of them continued to hysterically laugh silently while lying down, but after 20 minutes, I finally got a few moments of utter silence and it felt like a breakthrough.

At the end of class, I gave them each 6 yoga pose cards with the instruction to first, look at the cards and make a sequence with them that felt right for them. They should do 2-3 breaths in each pose and if they were to finish before the others, they could repeat poses or lie silent in savasana. After a certain time, I would have them all stand and rotate to the next mat, and then repeat.

I turned on a yoga playlist and actually turned it up quite loud. They started to ask me for music that they wanted but I said no that I would choose. The list started with One More by Cymande, High Priestess by Karma. Somewhere around Life Is Something Special by the NYC Peech Boys, I noticed a real shift had happened in them and there were pockets of silence. During Beautiful by Laroye/Lee Wilson, you wouldn’t believe it, but they were really digging it, especially one student. First she was dancing with her arms while in cobra (which at first I was going to say for her to be careful of her elbows, but I thought of all the funky dance movements people do and thought this is her expression and zipped my lips instead). This then progressed to much more dancey movement while in standing poses. I was watching silently and just loving their vibe. They all were really getting some yoga-time. One student started to remark about her dancing and I immediately jumped in and said I thought it was awesome and I loved her grooving-ness and that even got a few more of them grooving. Well it may all go back next class, but this one was truly one for the books!

All hail the power of house music!


One More by Cymande

High Priestess by Karma

Life Is Something Special by NYC Peech Boys

Beautiful (Extended Mix) by Laroye, Lee Wilson

Sa Ta Na Ma by Jiwanpal Kaur

I Am (Krishna Liquid Mix) by Nirinjan Kaur

Sat Nam by Meditative Mind

Song of Sadhana by ?

#evecostarelliwrites #movewitheve #alwaysbedancing #thebalabustamonologues #queenbalabusta #yogalife #actorslife #uniquelyeve #iamuniquelyeve

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Groove & Flow: Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

Groove: Movement relaxation series to relax the entire body

Flow: Short & Sweet Kriya to get the energy moving

Myopia by Moby
Circling by Four Tet
Swisha by Ratatat
Running Up That Hill (Instrumental) by Kate Bush
Samba de Orfeo by António Carlos Jobim
Dazz by Brick
Be Still by Beautiful Chorus
My Secret Lover (Diplo Remix) by Private
I Was Born This Way (12 Instrumental) by Carol Bean
Like Some Dream I Can’t Stop Dreaming (Break Mix) by Daniel Wang
Synchronize Ft. Jarvis Cocker by Discodeine
I Want To Be Free by Ohio Players
Groove & Flow playlist for 11/9/2020

Ayurvedic Tips for Autumn

Fall is a time of transition. Trees, shrubs, animals and birds are preparing for the winter. They are all gathering the energy, including nutrition, that they will need to survive the winter. Temperatures, although right now quite balmy, are going to drop and the wind is slowly gathering strength, carrying with it the whiff of winter on its breath. Autumn is dry, rough, windy, erratic and cool.

These are all qualities shared by vata dosha (vata-wind/dosha=energy) 
Vata is one of the three energetic forces of the subtle body, the inner happenings of the life inside your body.. This particular dosha corresponds with the elements of air and ether (space). Thanks to the airy and mobile qualities of vata, it plays an integral part in healthy bodily functions such as digestion, the flow of breath, and communication between the mind and the nervous system. Vata types tend to have creative personalities and are often inquisitive in nature.
Excess vata can cause the body, mind, and emotions to feel scattered like the wind. This type of imbalance can happen to anyone, regardless of their Ayurvedic constitution or body type.

Here are a few simple ayurvedic tips to balance Vata this fall:

1. Enjoy warm cooked foods. Foods made with a little olive oil or ghee have a wonderful soothing effect that immediately calms down restless Vata. Root vegetables, hearty grains, soups, and stews are recommended. Cooked grains – like oatmeal, tapioca, cream of rice, and cream of wheat – and most nuts and seeds are also beneficial.
2. Use warming spices like ginger, black pepper, cinnamon and cumin, but not extremely hot spices like cayenne pepper.
3. Enjoy warm beverages such as chai or golden milk.
4. Eat less cold and raw foods. 
5. Take extra care of your skin with a warm sesame oil self-massage. 
6. Increase stillness in your day to connect with yourself. Vata is aggravated by feelings of fear and insecurity.
7. Get enough sleep, nap when you need.
8. Reduce stress by consciously practicing yoga, meditation, long deep breathing and alternate nostril breathing.
9. The colors we wear can greatly contribute to how you feel. Choose colors from the environment around you. In this cooler season of autumn, warmer richer hues, like autumn’s foliage, are a great choice. Adorn yourself with rich red, warm gold, and burnt orange.
10. Try to stick to a regular routine: go to bed at the same time, meditate daily, mindful movement every morning.
Simple techniques to help you feel grounded, steady, and nourished all season long!

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Mini Yoga Sequence: Creating Inner Peace

1. Child’s pose make sure your big toes are touching, and your knees are slightly apart, so you stomach can rest on your legs. If you cannot touch your head to the floor, then put a book or a block under your head so you can rest it in something. You can make the book as big or small as needed. You could also put a large pillow  or bolster under your stomach to really relax. If you cannot get into this position due to physical restraints, try sitting on a block or on a chair.
2. Legs up the wall: can be done on the floor with legs together or comfortably separated or you can even put a folded blanket under your hips.
The main thing is to breathe in and out through your nose. Take a breath in slowly though your nose, it does not have to be huge and then try to elongate the breath out. If you have trouble breathing out though your nose at first, you can purse your lips, like you are trying to gently blow out a candle and then let the air slowly escape your mouth.
** The reason we emphasize nostril breathing is that the in-breath particularly reshapes our attention and insight by activating our brain through our senses, such as smell and the action of slow, deep breathing, whether the inhalation or exhalation, is beneficial for our nervous system when we wish to be more still. In fact, mindful breathing emphasizes not only the breathing component, but also the mental component of paying attention and becoming aware of mind, body and breath together.

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Today’s Kriya: Balance Is The Basis Of Health

Today’s class blends the balancing effect of Alternate Nostril Breathing with the Kriya for Polarity Balance. These two will help to bring balance to the energy channel that runs down the center of your body, the channel to allow the prana, your life force, to flow freely & energetically throughout the body.

Two main components of prana are the prana and apana vayus, or winds. Prana vayu is located in the head by the third eye and its energy pervades the chest area (like an inhale). Its flow is up and out. Apana Vayu is located by the pelvic floor and its energy pervades the lower abdomen. Its flow is down and out (like an exhale).The main channel is the Shushumna Nadi-the central energy channel that is flanked by, on the left, the Ida, female moon energy that starts at the root and ends n the left nostril and on the right, by the Pingala, masculine, sun energy that ends in the right nostril. These two nadis, criss-cross the shushumna nadi, resembling a cadusa, intersecting at each chakra.

Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise (click here to follow along as I do the breathing exercise.)

Breathing long and deep through the right nostril will give energy.

Breathing long and deep through the left nostril bring calmness.

Breathing long and deeply through alternate nostrils simultaneously  soothes, calms and energizes the whole nervous system which will revitalize you.

1 min. each

  1. Breathe only with the left nostril.
  2. Breathe only with the right nostril.
  3. Breathe in with the left and out with the right.
  4. Breathe in with the right and out with the left.
  5. Close the right nostril, inhale deeply through the left nostril. At the end of the inhale, close the left nostril and exhale through the right. Now alternate sides, back and forth.

To End: Inhale deeply, hold the breath a few seconds, lower the hand, and exhale.

Seated Warm-Up: Hip Circles; Spinal Flex; Twist; Lazy Neck Rolls; Butterfly; Boat…

Kriya for Polarity Balance 

Here is a video of me performing the exercises.

  1. Tilted Balance: Extend through the core. Balance is the basis for health. 2 min. each side.
  2. Demi-Squats: Inhale up; Exhale down. This exercise will put pressure on
    the hips, spine and the muscles along the back. 5 min.
  3. March w/ Robot Arms: move the arms back and forth with a precise and controlled
    movement. The left arm should move forward as the right knee comes up. Continue alternating sides. For the final minute, increase the pace, moving powerfully.
    5 min.Chair Yoga Kundalini Kriya for Polarity Balance
  4. Wide Legged Hip Circles: Allow the entire body to move and rotate. 3 min. 
  5. Heel March: Dance on your toes. Hips move. 3 min.Chair Yoga Kundalini Kriya for Polarity Balance
  6. Yoga Jumping Jacks: Rhythmic 3 min. IMG_4622
  7. Dancing Pointer Dog: Try to kick butt. The left arm should move forward as the right foot kicks back. Continue alternating sides. 3 min. IMG_4623
  8. Dancing Pointer Dog  w/ Partner: Face a partner. Do same exercise but grasp hands and lift legs together on alternate sides as legs go back. 1-1/2 min. 

  9. Partner Squats: Spread legs. Hold hands facing each other. Squat in demi-knee bends, then come up. Inhale up, exhale down. 1-3 min.
  10. Straight Line w/ Arms-Over-Shoulder Group Standing Meditation: Close eyes. Stand still. 1-5 min (play Electric Boogie). Feel the group electricity. IMG_4270
  11. Seated Cross Heart Mediation: Sit in an easy meditative pose. Fold and hold the hands at heart center. (Listen to Guru Ram Das Lullaby by Bachan Kaur. Sing along in head)
  12. Rest w/ Chakra Meditation: Lie down and rest. Meditatively sleep.


  1. Ong Namo by Eeday
  2. Breathe-Prana Apana by Ananda Yogiji f. Jaya Lakshmi
  3. My Friend Is A Seahorse (James Priestley & Dan Berkson’s Bariz e Syntho Remix) by Kissogram
  4. Ease My Mind (DJ Premier Mix) by Arrested Development
  5. Om Zone Pt. 1 by Stephen Halpern
  6. Circles by Adam F
  7. Adi Shakti-Bhakti Mantra by Ajeet Kaur
  8. Om Namaha Shiva by Sheila Chandra
  9. Ek Ong Kar by Tina Malia
  10. In White Rooms (Neo Mix) by Booka Shade
  11. Wahe Guru by Jai-Jagdeesh
  12. Electric Boogie by Marcia Griffith
  13. Ek Ong Kar by Simrit Kar
  14. Guru Ram Das Lullaby by Bachan Kaur
  15. Humme Hum by Mirabai Ceiba
  16. Eterno Sol by Balwant Kaur & Gurinder Singh


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Today’s Kriya: Intuitive Awareness


I am always trying to open paths to a richer experience. When I teach yoga, I choose a contemplation and from there build the class. This week, I was inspired by something my yoga teacher talked about and I kept mulling over it for myself. Intuitive awareness. To be intuitively aware; Allowing your intuition to blossom and grow like a flower because you are aware of it and its power. IMG_4074

When I meditate, I see colors. I see a crunching blackness and then it gets eaten away by the vivid colors of the rainbow-like a geode kaleidoscope. Sometimes its deep and dark purple/indigo/blue; others times bright yellow and one time even pink and green-like watermelon tourmaline. I feel calm and floating when I see these colors. I am in awe and entranced yet at peace.  Another student mentioned after class that she too saw colors. Her pattern is different than mine but I could totally relate. I am so inspired by her discovery that I am planning a chakra balancing class for next week and I will be interested to hear her experience with it. I see these color-visions as relating to the chakras. Each chakra is a whirling energy center along the spine and head. Each one a lotus flower that blooms and grows in each of these energy centers. Every chakra is related to a gland or glands. The ultimate goal to balance the chakras would have a profound effect on over-all health and well-being-total happiness, health and wholesomeness.


Breathing Sequence (1-3 min each) :



  1. Left nostril breathing only.
  2. Right nostril breathing only.
  3. Breath in left and out right only.
  4. Breathe in right and out left only.
  5. Alternate nostril breathing (In left & out right; In right & out left…)
  6. Breath of fire.                                                                                                                              *at end of each section, breathe in and hold for 10-30 seconds, pull up root lock; try to beam out the third eye the whole time/eyes at 3/4 

Wake-Up The Body (Modified Morning Sadhana) (1-3 minutes each)

  1. Cow/Cat
  2. Knee-to-NoseB590112C-E39C-4923-AAB3-4732C54FE0C4
  3. Hug Side-to-Side
  4. Cactus-Arm Twist
  5. Spinal Flex 5FB62A7F-ED3B-411E-9376-04CE99D33898
  6. Life Nerve Stretch
  7. Butter Fly-Flaps & Hold
  8. Pelvic TiltsDE3CE6B7-E46F-4E3B-81CD-D49481B5304A
  9. Pistons (Hold at end)
  10. Rest
  11. Rock and RollD309111A-F1A2-4131-9EBC-D0E166D59338
  12. Cobra (Hold & Side Glances)
  13. Child’s Pose

Here is the sequence in a chair:

(link to Youtube chair yoga version of the sequence)

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Meditative Movement Series To Fully Relax The Body. (3-5 minutes each, except #4)

  1. Stand and dance gracefully. Arms are completely relaxed. Close eyes. Consciously release all the tension from each body part. Scan and release. Begin to sway gently. Dance gracefully with freeing, easy movements, using every body part
  2. Stop. Stand still and straight. Begin to gently touch every part of your body. Feel sensitive with the palms of hands.
  3. Lean forward and hang completely relaxed. Use a block or a chair to rest on if the floor is too far away. Gently bend your knees so your hips can be completely relaxed. Breathe normally.
  4. Stand carefully. Hang back slowly with arms hanging loosely by sides. Feel like you are resting on Little Bo Peeps crook. Back up along the pole and then upper back gracefully following the crook. (1 minute only)

Cross Heart Kriya With A Partner: This meditation balances the hemispheres of your brain, allows your past to become processed and released, and eliminates insecurities.

  1. Sit back-to-back with a partner. Spine straight and together.
  2. All all grudges to release as you breathe easily.
  3. Cross the forearms below the wrist and place them in front of the chest. Arms should be out slightly and angled a bit up towards the chest.
  4. Eye Focus: Look down to the tip of your nose.
  5. Mantra: Sa – Infinity Ta – Life Na – Death, Transformation Ma – Birth
  6. Process: Chant “Sa Ta Na Ma” and press the corresponding fingers to your thumb on each syllable. Chant out- loud (2 min.); chant in a loud whisper (2 min.) chant in head and continue hand movements (4 min.); chant in a loud whisper (2 min.); Chant out- loud (2 min.).  Hear the chant with your third ear which is in the same location as your third eye, right in the middle of the brow.
    Sa – Press thumb and index finger (brings knowledge)
    Ta – Press thumb and middle finger (brings wisdom and patience)
    Na – Press thumb and ring finger (brings vitality)
    Ma – Press thumb and pinkie finger (brings enhanced communication)
  7. To Finish: Inhale and suspend breath, roll eyes up to look out third eye and become completely still.
  8. Relax in resting pose.




  1. On Namo Guru Tune-In by Shakta Kaur Khalsa
  2. Breathe-Prana-Apana by Ananda Yogiji f. Jaya Lakshmi
  3. Circles by Adam F
  4. Ek Ong Kar by Simrit Kaur
  5. Move Your Body by Marshall Jefferson
  6. Bah Samba (Yoruna Soul Vocal Mix) by Tired Little One
  7. Toast by Koffee
  8. Om Tar Tuttare (Red Fulka Remix) by Deva Premal & Miten
  9. Salala by Angelique Kidjo f. Peter Gabriel
  10. Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru by (unknown)
  11.  Short Kirtan Kriya by Nirinjan Kaur
  12. Long Time Sun by Paramjeet Singh & Kaur



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Kundalini Woman’s Set

Quiet meditation in rock pose 3min

Life Nerve Stretch L-D-B; L/R 3min

Camel var./ Camel pose 3min

Shoulder Stand L-D-B 3min

Archer L/R 5min

Baby 3min

Bow L-D-B 3min

Locust 3min

Cow L-D-B 3min

Cat L-D-B 3min

Stretch B-O-F 3min

Corpse 8-10min


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Yoga set to Reduce Anxiety

Breathing exercise to Reduce Anxiety: *Breathe in 10sec/Hold 10/Breathe out 10. Continue For 5min. (Can work up to 20/20/20)

*Up Mountain

*Chair (with “pass-the-present” arms)

*Low supported flat back (with “Spirit of Ecstasy” arms)

*Standing child’s pose

*Standing child’s pose (with flat back)

*Standing forward bend

*Lunge (Left foot back)

*Float hands

*Standing split

*Try one hand off, other hand, both hands

*Low lunge


*Low plank

*3/4 Cobra (feel the hood)

*Extended child’s pose

*Down Dog

*Up Mountain

*Lightning Bolt

*(missing) Standing flat back

*Standing forward bend

*Lunge (Right foot back)

*Float hands

*Standing split

*Try one hand off, other hand, both hands

*Low lunge


*Side plank

*Side plank (in tree)

*Side plank

*Side plank (in tree)

*Down Dog

Kriya for a Healthy Bowel System:

*Windmills: Exhale bend; inhale up.

*Right hand to left foot, continue 1min.

*Left hand to right foot, continue 1min.

*Left/Right alternate, pause at each foot 5sec., continue 3min.

*Left/Right alternate, pause at each foot 25sec., continue 2min.

*Left/Right, each foot hold for 2min.

*Corpse pose 2-3min.

*Side Bends. Inhale bend; exhale up. 1min.

*Twist. Inhale twist; exhale center. 1min.

Meditation for Emotional Balance:

**Drink a glass of water, for kidneys.

*Easy pose

*Arms crosses; Hands in armpits (palms face in)

*Raise shoulders (not crunch); keep neck in line

*Close eyes

*Slow-Deep-Breathing 3-11min.

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Mindful Book Reviews By Eve: If It Does Not Grow Say No Eatable Activities for Kids by Kerry Alison Wekelo


This is a fun healthy-eating workbook that pairs beautifully when teaching youth about healthy living and mindful eating. A classroom could incorporate the activities (easily adapted for various age groups) during healthy eating month. March is National Nutrition Month and September is National Breakfast month, but I found that there are a large variety of food related “holidays” every month. I am enamored with helping kids receive the information they need to make healthy choices and this is a great book to make the learning fun and meaningful.

I was really inspired by this book and found a couple of websites that would really fill in the information. I look forward to creating a great class to include in my youth yoga program. It is recommended for preschool and school-aged children but I can adapt all this information through teens. This book is great!

Here is a website dedicated to the book http://www.doesnotgrowsayno.com. It is absolutely chock-full of very useful information!

For even more information, check out eat right. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics National Nutrition Month® Celebration Toolkit https://www.eatright.org/food/resources/national-nutrition-month/national-nutrition-month-celebration-toolkit

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Mindful Book Reviews By Eve: Jessica Kingsley Publishing Wrap-Up


The Go Yogi! Card Set: 50 Everyday Yoga Poses for Calm, Happy, Healthy Kids by Emma Hughes, illustrated by John Smisson

This is a very sweet, simple set of cards that offer a nice diverse range of characters and each card has an easy how-to-do-the-pose on the back.

One thing I really liked about the cards was the inclusion of the Sanskrit name for each pose, along with the made up English name. I really liked this because it extends the diversity of yoga past the new inception of yoga, into the ancient and historical and shares this ancient language and opens up dialogue for the deeper teachings of yoga, not just the poses, which is especially helpful when teaching teens. IMG_2129

Included with the cards is a booklet with some ideas on how to use the cards and jumping off points for more creative adaptation. These are a great addition to my teaching practice and my students really like them. Ms. Hughes and Mr. Smisson have successfully teamed up before in two books the promote mindfulness and yoga for children: Striker, Slow Down and Go Yogi! (book). These cards make a great complement to those books.

Six Healing Sounds: Qi Gong For Children With Lisa & Ted by Lisa Spillane

I love Qi gong! Qi gong is an ancient Chinese art of movement and breath meant to balance the body’s energy (the qi, chi or prana) in order to achieve optimal health and well-being. This book introduces children to the benefits of qi gong by helping them to connect their feelings and bodily sensations to their inner voice. Through varied exercises including connecting to self-love, resonating sounds, visualizations and affirmations, this book helps children purge themselves of negative emotions and ways of thinking and to replace them with more healthy thoughts to create a more vibrant, radiant, self-assured and calm persona.

A special shout out to for the cute, expressive illustrations. They are simple and child- like but are also richly detailed. I loved the creative mixed-media collaging effect of real objects blended with drawings.

This is a great book for infusing children’s lives with mindfulness and positive social- emotional strategies. I highly recommend it!

Yoga Girls Club: Do Yoga, Make Art, Be You by Tiffani Bryant

This is a great book for teens or those teaching teens. It is highly interactive and focuses on listening to your inner voice. There are nice descriptions of postures and plenty of activity pages that include art ideas, writing prompts and body, mind, soul activities to help sort out emotions, feelings and bodily sensations and to promote mindfulness. The black and white illustrations invite you to color them to add a splash of color to this very informative and easy to use yoga manual.

Thank you to Jessica Kingsley Publishing for sending me these books. All opinions expressed are my own.


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Mindful Book Reviews by Eve: Two Wonderful Books By Gabi Garcia



Listening To My Body by Gabi Garcia is a really nice, effective book to aid children in understanding about sensations and feelings and how these things interact to better help them navigate understanding their own needs. The book is written with compassion and obvious desire to help kids tune in and trust themselves. There are great short noticing activities throughout and I really like the recap word list at the end for a visual reminder of the sensations and feelings brought up by the story. The noticing activities are also listed for easy access. A special shout out to Ying Hui Tan for her adorable illustrations. The characters are sweet and they clearly express the content of the book. The art is textural and creative and very endearing.


Listening With My Heart: A Story Of Kindness And Self-Compassion by Gabi Garcia shares the messages of awareness, self -respect and friendliness, using positive self talk within a story that empowers you to being true to yourself. The spirit of the book is openhearted and generous and the illustrations are super adorable. The message is clear-be compassionate and kind to yourself so that you can reach past yourself and extend the kindness to others. The illustrator, Ying Hui Tan, has really developed her style and palette. The children’s wide-eyed expressive faces display great emotion and work in beautiful unison with the words. I love the layering effects and the wide use of texture. The back of the book has some wonderful kindness activities. All around, this is simply a lovely book! 


I highly recommend these books. They make great read aloud’s to share with children, students, parents and teachers. These books should be in libraries, classrooms and homes!

Full Disclosure: The author sent me these books. All opinions expressed are my own.