I Am Uniquely Eve

Mover * Shaker * Dancer * Actor

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The Groove & Flow Experience March & April 2021

Please sign up today for The Groove & Flow Experience

The Groove & Flow Experience March & April 2021

The Groove and Flow Experience is my special blend of yoga, dance, Qigong, and meditation styles where the participants can explore and experience the joy of movement and freedom of expression within a supportive, creative environment, regardless of experience and/or abilities. This class is balanced with movement, relaxation and meditation and participants can be on a mat or in a chair. All abilities welcomed for this one of a kind experience.

Classes will remain fully online.

March 2021

Mondays 7PM: 29 Common Street Spiritual Center (email me to register) 7PM

April 2021

Mondays 7:00PM: 5 & 26 Morse Institute Library (Registration is open

Mondays 7:00PM: 12 & 19 Common Street Spiritual Center (email me to register)

Sundays 11:00AM: 11, 18, 25 & 5/2: BCCA/CCCA. Info & registration details here.

Bio: Eve Costarelli is passionate about bringing the joy of movement to all-bodies. Through her interactive, self-designed mindful movement program, Always Be Dancing: The Art of Movement, Eve uses yoga, dance & social consciousness to create a healthy, diverse, inclusive environment. Eve is the yoga & mindfulness coordinator for the Common Street Spiritual Center and facilitates all-inclusive yoga and dance programs throughout Massachusetts. Eve’s programs are fun, upbeat, and wholly inclusive. Focus is always on abilities not disabilities.

What is The Groove & Flow Experience? What makes it unique? How does it fit in?

It is…

  • Somatic practice
  • Embodied movement
  • Bioenergetic exercise to realize potential for happiness, gratitude, inner peace, self-worth, joy
  • Qigong
  • Yoga bodywork
  • Kundalini
  • Meditation
  • Breath-work
  • Housemusic
  • Dance
  • Flamenco
  • Duende/spirit
  • Mindfulness
  • Peace
  • Self care
  • For EveryBody
  • Connection
  • Community
  • Creativity
  • Personal interpretation
  • Imagination, innovation, creativity

Goal? happiness, gratitude, inner peace, self-worth, joy, balance, mindfulness, peace, self care, connection, community, creativity, health

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GROOVE & FLOW starting 1/11/2021

GROOVE & FLOW is back starting 1/11/2021

Please send me an email to register. A link will be sent to you. Save time and register for 1/18/2121 at the same time.

Classes will remain fully online 7PM Monday nights.

I request $10 for these classes, but welcome all regardless.

Payment options:

Venmo (@Eve-Costarelli; Cell-1643)Paypal
Checks: Eve Costarelli, 16 Porter Road, Natick, MA 01760

Thank you so much for being part of the ever growing Groove & Flow community.

Sending much love and light for the New Year!


BTW! Do you know I have a Facebook group for a shared mindful experience? Please check it out! 108 Days Of Everyday Mindfulness

#yoga #dance #accessible #embodiedmovement #mindfulmovement #music #Qigong #onlineyoga #online #instruction #groove&flow #grooveandflow #alwaysbedancing #alwaysbdancing #iameve #meditation #groovy

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Floor Yoga Set For A Broken Ankle

My brother just had surgery because he broke his ankle. The injury is still very fresh so I created a yoga set that he can do sitting on the floor with his legs straight out (pillow under the knees to soften, when needed). He can gradually change these to seated in a chair but for now the weight and shape of the cast and the recentness of the accident, it is best to keep him on an even, low level. He will be most grounded in this position.

I suggest setting a timer for each section and keeping the sections evenly timed. Try 1-5 minutes each to start.

Yoga 11/11/2020

Start with Deep Belly Breathing:

* Sit comfortably, upright but not rigid or lay down.
*Close your eyes or keep them softly focused on one object. Having an actual spot for eyes to focus on is very important as it gives a home base for the eyes when the mind wanders. You can use the tip of your nose, a spot on the wall or through closed eyes, the third eye point.
*Place your hands on your lower belly, on your legs or in your lap.
*Create your own quiet, still space inside. I call this your Inner Love-Shack.
*Inhale through your nose. Keep your mouth closed. Your belly should fill round on the inhale. Your body will feel like it is a balloon being filled up.
*Notice the pause at the end of your inhale.
*Slowly let the air out through your nose. You want the exhale to be long and gentle. Your belly will soften. If a mouth exhale is done, keep the lips slightly pursed and allow the air to seep out slowly as if you are trying to ripple a flame of a candle.
*Notice the pause at the end of the exhale.
*Repeat 3-5x or as long as you like. If your mind wanders, just pull it back to the breath and the sensation of your hands. 
*When finished, sit quietly for a few moments and enjoy the stay in your Inner Love-Shack, inside and out.

  1. Cow/Cat: Legs out, back not against a wall/bedside, hands on knees. Close eyes and beam out through the third eye point and add in the chant “sat” Nam” or whatever resonates with you to keep a high positive vibration happening in your head and throughout your body.
  • With chin moving up (cow) & down (cat)
  • Without chin moving 
  • Breathe in open chest, lift chin, lift puppy tail
  • Breathe out cat, curl forward (arch back like a halloween cat), drop chin
  • Breathe in your pelvic bowl spills water out the front
  • Breathe out the pelvic bowl spills water out the back
  1. Holding Up The Sky With One Hand (Legs out, can be gently backed up to a support) Start with hands on belly and return there on each exhale before you switch sides.
  • Press down with one hand to keep the floor from coming up. 
  • Press up the sky with the lower palm on the other hand. 
  • Breathe in as you stretch up & open; breathe out as you, bring the energy to your power belly and change sides.

Holding Up the Sky With Two Hands 

  • Start with both hands on lower belly
  • Breathe in as the hands travel up.
  • Stretch up over head, with both hands, from the lower palm. 
  • Breathe out, hands return to belly.
  1. Stealth Ninja (Legs out, body slightly pulled away from support, so that hand can snake behind)
  • Press one hand forward near your shoulder and chin, to ward off an attacker. It has the sensation of being propelled in that direction.
  • At the same time, look over the opposite shoulder, as if to check behind you. 
  • The other hand is behind the back reaching in in the same direction the head is facing. Your body is moving in one direction and you are looking over the other shoulder while at the same time the back hand is reaching as if to grab a friend’s hand
  1. Hip Circles (legs out, support under knees advised, hands on knees)
  • Move hips around in a circular motion in one direction, like an old fashioned coffee grinder
  • Repeat in the other direction.
  1. Backbend
  • Hands behind on the floor
  • Lift chest and lean back.
  • Head can drop behind, but keep chest lifting and open and back strong.
  1. Forward Fold
  • Fold forward but have knees comfortably bent
  • The “goal” is belly to thighs; knees bent more will facilitate this 
  1. Square Breathing
  • Breathe in (count 4/5/6/7/8…your choice)
  • Hold same amount
  • Breathe out same amount
  • Hold the same amount.
  • Repeat
  1. 4 Cycle Breath
  • In/Out nose
  • In/Out mouth
  • In nose/Out mouth
  • In mouth/Out nose.
  • Repeat

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Groove & Flow: Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

Groove: Movement relaxation series to relax the entire body

Flow: Short & Sweet Kriya to get the energy moving

Myopia by Moby
Circling by Four Tet
Swisha by Ratatat
Running Up That Hill (Instrumental) by Kate Bush
Samba de Orfeo by António Carlos Jobim
Dazz by Brick
Be Still by Beautiful Chorus
My Secret Lover (Diplo Remix) by Private
I Was Born This Way (12 Instrumental) by Carol Bean
Like Some Dream I Can’t Stop Dreaming (Break Mix) by Daniel Wang
Synchronize Ft. Jarvis Cocker by Discodeine
I Want To Be Free by Ohio Players
Groove & Flow playlist for 11/9/2020

Ayurvedic Tips for Autumn

Fall is a time of transition. Trees, shrubs, animals and birds are preparing for the winter. They are all gathering the energy, including nutrition, that they will need to survive the winter. Temperatures, although right now quite balmy, are going to drop and the wind is slowly gathering strength, carrying with it the whiff of winter on its breath. Autumn is dry, rough, windy, erratic and cool.

These are all qualities shared by vata dosha (vata-wind/dosha=energy) 
Vata is one of the three energetic forces of the subtle body, the inner happenings of the life inside your body.. This particular dosha corresponds with the elements of air and ether (space). Thanks to the airy and mobile qualities of vata, it plays an integral part in healthy bodily functions such as digestion, the flow of breath, and communication between the mind and the nervous system. Vata types tend to have creative personalities and are often inquisitive in nature.
Excess vata can cause the body, mind, and emotions to feel scattered like the wind. This type of imbalance can happen to anyone, regardless of their Ayurvedic constitution or body type.

Here are a few simple ayurvedic tips to balance Vata this fall:

1. Enjoy warm cooked foods. Foods made with a little olive oil or ghee have a wonderful soothing effect that immediately calms down restless Vata. Root vegetables, hearty grains, soups, and stews are recommended. Cooked grains – like oatmeal, tapioca, cream of rice, and cream of wheat – and most nuts and seeds are also beneficial.
2. Use warming spices like ginger, black pepper, cinnamon and cumin, but not extremely hot spices like cayenne pepper.
3. Enjoy warm beverages such as chai or golden milk.
4. Eat less cold and raw foods. 
5. Take extra care of your skin with a warm sesame oil self-massage. 
6. Increase stillness in your day to connect with yourself. Vata is aggravated by feelings of fear and insecurity.
7. Get enough sleep, nap when you need.
8. Reduce stress by consciously practicing yoga, meditation, long deep breathing and alternate nostril breathing.
9. The colors we wear can greatly contribute to how you feel. Choose colors from the environment around you. In this cooler season of autumn, warmer richer hues, like autumn’s foliage, are a great choice. Adorn yourself with rich red, warm gold, and burnt orange.
10. Try to stick to a regular routine: go to bed at the same time, meditate daily, mindful movement every morning.
Simple techniques to help you feel grounded, steady, and nourished all season long!

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Groove & Flow with Eve Costarelli 9-28-2020

About Sa Ta Na Ma:


Two 11-minute versions of Sa Ta Na Ma (Kirtan Kriya):
Nirinjan Kaur https://youtu.be/Zg9NOOM2neA
Gurunam Singh https://youtu.be/UbKpBPYGQ1


Meditations for My Next 40 Day Cycle

I just finished a 40 day meditation cycle. I always meditate first thing in the morning for 11-15 minutes…

I just finished the cycle of the Chattr Chakkr meditation kriya.

This mantra helps to move from fear of change to boldness and courage.  It removes feelings of anxiety, depression and phobias, leaving in its place courage and victory.  Just like the snake leaving behind its old skin.

Try this mantra for fear of change:

Chattr chakkr vartee, chattr chakkr bhugatay

Suyumbhav subhang sarab daa sarab jugtay

Dukaalang pranaasee dayaalang saroopay

Sadaa ung sungay abhangang bibhootay

These words bring victory during changing times! Chant along with my favorite version by Nirinjan Kaur or keep it playing in your house! I practiced this every morning for 11 minutes (the length of the recording) and I added this mudra:

Tomorrow, I will start a new 40 day cycle, but I am not sure which meditation I will choose?

Meditation for Developing Your Human Kindness. Also known as Bandhu Dya Kriya, Bandhu means “brother or comrade;” Dya means “kindness;” and Kriya means “action.” Give this kriya a lot of reverence and do it with a lot of love and devotion. Do it very calmly.

Mudra: Rest your elbows alongside your rib cage. Place your hands in front of your chest, palms facing upward, with the two Mercury (pinkie) fingers touching and the outside part of the base of the palms touching. Keep the Sun (ring) fingers and the Jupiter (index) fingers straight and the thumbs pulled back. Touch the tips of the Saturn (middle) fingers so that they form a triangle. The mudra is held before the heart center in a comfortable, prayerful position, but it does not touch the chest.

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight, chin in and chest lifted. Place your hands in the mudra.

Breath & Eye Focus: Inhale through the nose in 8 strokes (break the inhalation into eight equal segments with a slight pause separating each part so that there is a distinct beginning and end to each segment. In other words, you are inhaling in 8 separate “sniffs.” Each stroke is about one “nose length.” You can feel the breath travel the length of the nose from the nostrils to the eyebrows. Each count of a stroke is about one second, so the 8 stroke inhalation takes about 8 seconds).  Eyes are open only 1/10th of the way so you  are gazing at the mudra. Exhale completely and totally with a whistle through the puckered lips. Continue for 11 minutes.

“Sat Narayan” Meditation To Reclaim Your Peaceful Presence.

Mudra: Hands are in Gyan Mudra (thumbs and index fingers touch, resting on knees or in lap).

Posture: Sit with a straight spine.

Breath and Eye Focus: Eyes 1/10th open or gently closed, focused on the Third Eye (between the eyebrows). The breath will adjust itself as you chant. Mantra:

Sat Narayan Wahe Guru (True Supporter, Indescribable Wisdom)

Hari Narayan Sat Nam (Creative Sustenance, True Identity)

Sat Narayan Wahe Guru

Hari Narayan Sat Nam


  • Chant along with this recording by Ajeet Kaur, which is my favorite version of the mantra. Put your heart into it!
  • When the meditation has finished, powerfully and deeply inhale while raising arms above your head, and hold for 10-15 seconds. Powerfully and deeply exhale. Repeat inhale-hold-exhale once more with raised arms. Then lower your arms to your lap/knees and sit quietly. Feel the vibrations of the mantra in you and around you.
May you be elevated by this meditation and blessed with its strength always!

Kirtan Kriya/ Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation: A meditation for total balance.

Here is a blog post I wrote about beginner meditations, please check it out.

Kirtan Kriya, often referred to as SA TA NA MA meditation, is the most important meditation in Kundalini Yoga. If you can do only one meditation, this is it. It will readjust and align you to bring balance into your body, mind and spirit and thus your life. It is your teacher. It is your best friend. The bottom line is that this meditation works. All you have to do is do it. You can trust the process and the technology.

Check out this article on how this meditation is becoming scientifically recognized as a powerful tool for preventing or stopping Alzheimer’s disease, increasing all aspects of cognitive function, (perception, thinking, reasoning and remembering) and reducing stress levels while improving short term memory. Here is another article about it’s direct benefit for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Posture: Sit with a straight spine.

Breath and Eye Focus: Eyes 1/10th open or gently closed, focused on the Third Eye (between the eyebrows). The breath will adjust itself as you chant.

Mantra: Chant SA TA NA MA along with this 11 minute recording by Nirinjan Kaur.

While chanting alternately press the thumb with the four fingers on both hands simultaneously. Press hard enough to keep yourself awake and aware of the pressure. Keep repeating in a stable rhythm and keep the hand motion going throughout the whole meditation.

SA press the thumb and the pointer or Jupiter finger together with pressure. The Jupiter/Pointer finger brings in knowledge, expands our field of possibilities and releases us from limitations.

TA press the thumb and the middle or Saturn finger together. The Saturn/Middle finger gives us patience, wisdom and purity

NA press the thumb and the ring or Sun finger together. The Sun/Ring finger gives us vitality and aliveness.

MA press the thumb and the pinky or Mercury finger together. The Mercury/Pinky finger aids clear communication.

Visualize or feel each individual sound come in the crown chakra at the top of the head, down through the middle of the head and out to infinity through the third eye. This is very important and must be done with each sound. It is an essential part of the cleansing process. If this part of the meditation is not done, you may experience a headache.

Whatever you experience is OK. Do not try to avoid or control your experiences. Simply be with what is going on and go through it. It is all part of the balancing process.

11-Minute Variation (The recording does not follow these times exactly-just go with the flow).

  • 2 min out-loud
  • 2 min whisper
  • 4 min in-head , continue with hand movements
  • 2 min whisper
  • 2 min out-loud.

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Eve Costarelli’s Online Offerings: Groove and Flow Yoga and Dance Breaks (all ages; all abilities) May-June 2020

All of my online group offerings are being offered without a set fee to enable broader participation. I gratefully accept donations of any amount.If you are able to do so, please make a donation, through Venmo, PayPal or check (info included below)*

My Tween/Teen/Adult and my Tots+ classes will be continuing through June and I encourage you to take advantage of them. After-School Yoga will resume in September.

In addition to group classes, I am offering private sessions. I am a certified therapeutic yoga teacher with over three-decades of teaching experience. I am passionate in my love for yoga and dance and for making movement accessible and possible for all. I love designing personal practices that will enhance your quality of life. I would love for you to enjoy the experience of my yoga. My ideal clients are children, women and families for these private sessions. Please contact me at AdamAnt_Eve@gmail.com for private lesson rates.

Practitioners are welcome on a mat or in a chair. Rock, roll or stroll! . 

Wishing you all love, peace and hope! Eve Costarelli

Eve Costarelli’s Online Offerings

All of my online offerings are being offered without a set fee to enable broader participation. I gratefully accept donations of any amount. If you are able to do so, please make a donation, through Venmo, PayPal or check (info included below)*

For Kids:

After-school Groove & Flow Yoga (on hold until September)

Groove & Flow Yoga for Tots+ https://commonstreet.zoom.us/s/717933065 Thurs. 10:00-10:45AM (EDT)
What: Classes are imaginative, playful and vary from very active to quietly meditative. Children will explore yoga poses and relaxation techniques through stories, games, books and songs which help to develop their confidence, awareness, focus and their interactions with peers within a safe, supportive environment. Fun for all!

For Tweens, Teens & Adults:

Groove & Flow Yoga & Dance Break   https://commonstreet.zoom.us/j/953634210 Mon. 5:00-6:00PM (EDT)
Groove and Flow is a mix of yoga, dance and mindfulness that affords the participants the opportunity to explore and experience the joy of movement and freedom of expression within a supportive, creative environment, regardless of experience and/or abilities.

Groove & Flow Yoga  https://commonstreet.zoom.us/s/781560765 Thurs. 5:00-6:00PM (EDT)
Breathe, move, meditate then deeply relax. With a blend of styles, this yoga class aims to help you realize your true blissful self. This class designed to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit is balanced with relaxation and meditation. All levels welcomed for this one of a kind experience.

*I am holding space for everyone, with no expectations. I appreciate gratefully the donations of love I receive! *suggested donations $5-$20

**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Free fitness videos offered through the Natick Recreation & Parks YouTube channel. Videos are posted every day Monday-Friday at 11:00AM (EDT) with an active fitness class that is fully accessible and inclusive . Classes are taught at a level for tweens/teens but it available to all to join. 

Flamenco Monday taught by Eve Costarelli

Groove & Flow Yoga Wednesday taught by Eve Costarelli

(Fitness classes being offered Monday-Friday, please check them out!)

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International Woman’s Day Event, Wayland MA

                                       International Women’s Day is 2 Weeks Away! 

                                                 Eve Costarelli, Always Be Dancing
Striking the #EachForEqual Pose!

Have you ever heard of a “Yoga Snack”? Well, if you’re interested in finding out more, join us March 8th for our International Women’s Day Event where our friend Eve will be leading her Yoga Snack!

Eve is passionate about bringing dance to all-bodies. She facilitates mindful movement experiences that increase positive vibrations and is on a mission to open people’s hearts and minds and will use all means necessary.

Learn more about Eve and Always Be Dancing by clicking here

International Women’s Day (IWD) is March 8th!

Sunday, March 8th, 3:30 pm, W Gallery, 57 Andrew Ave, Wayland, MA

One of the best things about International Women’s Day, besides the fact that it’s a special day for women all around the globe, is that YOU can celebrate in wherever you are! You can celebrate BIG or SMALL! The key is to gather with a friend, or two or a hundred (!) and talk about the issues facing women and girls in YOUR community!

An equal world is an enabled world.

Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day.

We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women’s achievements.

Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world.

Let’s all be #EachforEqual.


Tickets for our 3rd Annual International Women’s Day are going fast and they are available in advance only.

If you want to join us and haven’t already reserved a spot or purchased your ticket, please send me an email so that I can include you! Also, please feel free to forward this email to others who you think would like to join us for the event.

All proceeds from ticket sales benefit the following MA-based nonprofits – RIA HouseNeighbor Brigade & Dignity Matters.

Thanks for your support! I look forward to celebrating with you on March 8th!

– Drita, MAPA Translations

Learn More About International Women’s Day

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Mindful Book Reviews By Eve: Gilly the Giraffe Self Esteem Activity Book by Dr. Karen Treisman


Gilly the Giraffe Self Esteem Activity Book: A Therapeutic Story With Creative Activities to Help Children Aged 5-10 by Dr. Karen Treisman

This book puts the B in Brave! Such a useful and accessible book. Just reading the book is inspiring and has helped me to focus on how I can facilitate a positive learning environment for the students and the teachers by incorporating the story and ideas into my in-school yoga classes. The story is one that flows well by adding yoga poses, breathing activities and short meditations and the added applied practices offer many useful ways of building self-esteem activities into the classroom.

Dr. Treisman brings another part of the world to many readers-with new words and ways. This is a great book about diversity. It is colorful, eye-opening and totally relateable. The story promotes creative problem solving, by offering a view from another angle. It is like a game of Statues, where one person sets themselves up as a statue; the next person walks around, looking at the shape from different angles, and then fits themselves into the structure, which is a fun way of promoting this way of thinking.

I highly recommend incorporating these activities throughout the day. Practicing increases personal growth and strength.

Anther great book by Dr. Triesman is Presley Pug, check out my review here.

Thank you to JK Publishing for sending me a copy of this book. All onions expressed are my own.

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Mini Yoga Sequence: Creating Inner Peace

1. Child’s pose make sure your big toes are touching, and your knees are slightly apart, so you stomach can rest on your legs. If you cannot touch your head to the floor, then put a book or a block under your head so you can rest it in something. You can make the book as big or small as needed. You could also put a large pillow  or bolster under your stomach to really relax. If you cannot get into this position due to physical restraints, try sitting on a block or on a chair.
2. Legs up the wall: can be done on the floor with legs together or comfortably separated or you can even put a folded blanket under your hips.
The main thing is to breathe in and out through your nose. Take a breath in slowly though your nose, it does not have to be huge and then try to elongate the breath out. If you have trouble breathing out though your nose at first, you can purse your lips, like you are trying to gently blow out a candle and then let the air slowly escape your mouth.
** The reason we emphasize nostril breathing is that the in-breath particularly reshapes our attention and insight by activating our brain through our senses, such as smell and the action of slow, deep breathing, whether the inhalation or exhalation, is beneficial for our nervous system when we wish to be more still. In fact, mindful breathing emphasizes not only the breathing component, but also the mental component of paying attention and becoming aware of mind, body and breath together.