I Am Uniquely Eve

Mover * Shaker * Dancer * Actor

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The Groove & Flow Experience March & April 2021

Please sign up today for The Groove & Flow Experience

The Groove & Flow Experience March & April 2021

The Groove and Flow Experience is my special blend of yoga, dance, Qigong, and meditation styles where the participants can explore and experience the joy of movement and freedom of expression within a supportive, creative environment, regardless of experience and/or abilities. This class is balanced with movement, relaxation and meditation and participants can be on a mat or in a chair. All abilities welcomed for this one of a kind experience.

Classes will remain fully online.

March 2021

Mondays 7PM: 29 Common Street Spiritual Center (email me to register) 7PM

April 2021

Mondays 7:00PM: 5 & 26 Morse Institute Library (Registration is open

Mondays 7:00PM: 12 & 19 Common Street Spiritual Center (email me to register)

Sundays 11:00AM: 11, 18, 25 & 5/2: BCCA/CCCA. Info & registration details here.

Bio: Eve Costarelli is passionate about bringing the joy of movement to all-bodies. Through her interactive, self-designed mindful movement program, Always Be Dancing: The Art of Movement, Eve uses yoga, dance & social consciousness to create a healthy, diverse, inclusive environment. Eve is the yoga & mindfulness coordinator for the Common Street Spiritual Center and facilitates all-inclusive yoga and dance programs throughout Massachusetts. Eve’s programs are fun, upbeat, and wholly inclusive. Focus is always on abilities not disabilities.

What is The Groove & Flow Experience? What makes it unique? How does it fit in?

It is…

  • Somatic practice
  • Embodied movement
  • Bioenergetic exercise to realize potential for happiness, gratitude, inner peace, self-worth, joy
  • Qigong
  • Yoga bodywork
  • Kundalini
  • Meditation
  • Breath-work
  • Housemusic
  • Dance
  • Flamenco
  • Duende/spirit
  • Mindfulness
  • Peace
  • Self care
  • For EveryBody
  • Connection
  • Community
  • Creativity
  • Personal interpretation
  • Imagination, innovation, creativity

Goal? happiness, gratitude, inner peace, self-worth, joy, balance, mindfulness, peace, self care, connection, community, creativity, health

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Yoga and Mindfulness Games for the Holidays (plus 6/1-minute breathing activities to bring calming, peaceful energy)

Spending time with family and friends is a great time to practice mindfulness. Here are three games, plus 6/ 1-minute meditations you can do anywhere, anytime.


Mindful Jenga

What you’ll need:

  • Jenga game
  • Set of yoga, mindfulness, table talk…cards
  • Family/Friends

How to play?

Set up the game. Shuffle all cards together. Turn pile upside down and place near the game.

  1. Traditional rules of Jenga apply. Do not choose tiles from the top 3 tiers.
  2. Choose a tile. Breathe in. Remove tile carefully. Breathe out.
  3. Place tile on top of the tower.
  4. Flip top card. Everyone completes the designated action. If a yoga pose is chosen, take a breath in and out in the pose. Do both sides, if needed.

    Card Deck Suggestions:


Yoga Memory

What you’ll need: TN1841_ThinkFun_-_Yoga_Memory_Game_1_grande

  • Yoga Memory Set (of course you can make you’r own too…which could be a totally other mindful activity. Everyone designs two yoga/mindfulness activity cards….. They can be similar pictures or  even two aspects of the same idea…which could lead to cross matching….oh! So many options)
  • Family/Friends

How to play?

Mix-up tiles/cards. Set up game. Traditional memory has 36 matching pairs for a total of 72 tiles. Reducing the number of tiles used can make the game easier and more fun if needed for special adaptation. .

  1. Traditional Memory rules apply.
  2. When a pair is found, all participants practice the activity.
  3. Breathe in and out in each pose. Do both sides of a 2-sided pose.


Found Object Mandala

A mandala is a series of concentric circles, beginning with a central concept, an then radiating out to the outer rim with repeating shapes, colors or designs.

What you’ll need:

  • Nik-Naks, Bric-A Brac, screws, nuts and bolts, pins, jacks, toy cars, ABC blocks, sea glass, beach rocks, or head outside for a walk and collect leaves, acorns, stones….everything and anything that has multiples.
  • A large open space, maybe covered with a table cloth.
  • Friends/Family

How to play:

  1. First, look around the space you are in and find mandalas, for example, a clock face, the ceiling sprinklers, window moldings, etc. Think of  mandalas outside, for example, the sun, a flower, a hubcap, etc.
  2. Work as a team to build the mandala.
  3. For fun, take photos throughout the process. This makes a nice flip book or picture video or even a nice picture for next years holiday card.


6/ 1-Minute Meditations:

  1. Whistle Breathing: Whistling is breath and music combined that you create with the lips. It is very powerful because it relaxes inside and out. It creates inner balance.

    A. To do it on the inhalation: pucker your lips, concentrate on the third eye point, and inhale through the mouth making a high-pitched whistle. Exhale through the nose. Focus the third-eye point on the sound of the whistle on the inhalation and on the soft sound of the breath through the nose on the exhalation.

    B. To do it on the exhalation, reverse the procedure: inhale through the nose and exhale through the puckered lips with a whistle. Focus the eyes at the third eye point and focus the third-eye point on the sound of the whistle on the inhalation and on the soft sound of the breath through the nose on the exhalation.

  2. Tongue Action Meditation A:  Stick your tongue: left, right, in, out. You will start to laugh!
  3. Tongue Action meditation B: Roll your tongue on the inside of the mouth around the gum and lips (not the teeth) as if you are wiping peanut butter off from the inside of your mouth. Can switch directions 1/2 way through, if desired.
  4. Kiss the air! Pucker up and kiss the air. Or possibly kiss the left palm and then the right, back and forth.
  5. “Z” Stand: Balance on toes; bend knees slightly as if to start sitting down; arms out, parallel to the ground, palms facing down; Chin gently dropped; Eyes 9/10th’s closed; Breath-of-fire. Short sniff in and short puff out with the nose or circled lips. Focus on the navel point.
  6. 4-Stroke Breathe: Emergency calming activity! Breathe in 4 strokes with the nose; Breathe out all in one stoke, to the count of 4,3,2,1. (the exhale can be through the nose or with the mouth).



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The Accidental Kundalini: Courage and Balance

July 15, 2019

Warm-up to Find Your Courage

  1. Punch/March IMG_3309
  2. Ego Eradicator
  3. Cat/CowIMG_3316
  4. Boat
  5. Forward Fold
  6. Reverse Plank
  7. Push-Up
  8. Alternate Leg LiftsIMG_3314
  9. Seated MeditationIMG_3315

Kriya to Balance The Mind In The Group Energy

Sit in a close-knit circle; everyone should choose a partner. If you have groups of 4, Patty Cake (if not enough people, switch to Rararara, Mamamama, Ramaramaramarama, Sa Ta Na Ma in partners)

  1. Gratitude Hands w/ Clockwise Hip-to-Head Circles (see above)
  2. Hold Hands in Silence (whole group holds hands; no one is left alone)
  3. Cactus Arms & Spirit Fingers w/Counterclockwise Circles (see above)
  4. Dance: Punjabi Style; Freely: Add Clapping
  5. Patty Cake (would like to try it with Rockin’ Robin)
  6. Surrender
  7. Rest


  1. Ong Namo by Shakta Kaur Khalsa
  2. Ek Ong Kar by Tina Malia
  3. Brazilian Rhyme (Fearless Mix) by Mondo Grosso
  4. Hey Hey by Muete
  5. Naive Melody (Young Edits Sophistaicated Melody Version) by The Talking Heads
  6. Chattr Chakkr Vartee by Nirinjan Kaur
  7. Hallelujah by Jai-Jageesh
  8. Heartbeat by Taana Gardner
  9. Shake The Mind by C Cat Trance
  10. Adidas To Addis by Cut Chemist
  11. Har by Snatam Kaur
  12. Har by Tera Naam
  13. Rockin’ Robin by Michael Jackson
  14. Rararara, Mamamama, Ramaramaramarama, Sa Ta Na Ma
  15. Fantasia Inca by Various Artists
  16. Fantasia Inca by A. Caste
  17. Long Time Sun by Paramjeet Singh & Kaur